I am an isotope geochemist studying oxygen and carbon cycling over a range of timescales.

For my Ph.D., I developed a new tracer of ancient carbon dioxide concentrations using the isotopic composition of oxygen locked in biogenic carbonate minerals such as teeth and eggshells. 

At Rice, I am applying clumped isotopes of oxygen to the oceans to understand how mixing and respiration affect low-oxygen zones in coastal and open-ocean environments.

Email: huanting.hu@rice.edu


Academic background

  • Postdoctoral Research Associate, Rice University 2016 -
  • Ph.D., Geochemistry, Johns Hopkins University 2016
  • B.S., Geochemistry, University of Science and Technology of China 2011


  1. Hu, H., L. Y. Yeung, S. Li, I. Mellor-Crummey, B. Li, J. L. Ash, N. E. Rollins, and W. M. Berelson, “Determination of O2 clumped-isotope composition and O2/Ar ratios in seawater using gas chromatography and high-resolution isotope-ratio mass spectrometry,” in revision.

  2. Yeung., L. Y., S. Li, I. E. Kohl, J. A. Haslun, N. E. Ostrom, H. Hu, E. A. Schauble, T. P. Fischer, and E. D. Young, “Extreme enrichment in atmospheric 15N15N,” Sci. Adv. 3 (2017) eaao6741. doi: 10.1126/sciadv.aao6741

  3. Passey, B. H., H. Hu, H. Ji, S. Montanari, S. Li, G. A. Henkes, and N. E. Levin, "Triple oxygen isotopes in biogenic and sedimentary carbonates," Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 141 (2014), 1-25. doi: 10.1016/j.gca.2014.06.006

  4. Yang Y. Z., Q. Long, H. T. Hu, P. T. Hieu , T. B. T. Nguyen, and F. K. Chen, "Geochemical characteristics and origin of lamprophyre in the Laichau area, northwestern Vietnam." Acta Petrol. Sinica 29 (2013), 899-911.